Lexzur (formally App4legal) software is the ultimate Legal Practice Management Solution for both Law-Firms and in-house Legal Departments in different industries.

CORE: (Legal Practice Management Solution (LPMS))

The Case & Matter Management module is designed to assist you to manage your Corporate matters or Litigation Cases at every stage; add stakeholders, assign tasks, collaborate, manage related documents and set deadlines and reminders.

The Client Intake (CRM) module allows for the centralisation of all Client Data including leads, partners and all collaboration or concerned parties, linking specific searchable details, related legal documents, expenses and more.

Task & Workflow Automation allows you to configure every aspect of the software to streamline workflows, and automate repetitive tasks.

Dashboards & Custom Metrics

Generate reports & KPIs and track custom metrics on single-view dashboards to streamline, monitor, and make more informed decisions.

Legal Billing & E-invoicing

Track time and manage all transactions with a powerful billing module that allows users to create time entries and generate highly customizable invoices.

Central Secure Repository

Manage, archive, and link all files and documents to their related cases, matters, contacts, and more. Enjoy unlimited data storage, high-level security, and a searchable interface.